The upsurge of niche social media platforms and what that means for your brand





Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn have become the largest and most thriving online communities across the globe. Their commonality and the core reason behind their massive user-base and popularity is their terrifically wide photo-sharing medium and seamless communications.

Niche Social Media platforms help the online community to engage with people in the same industry or other like-minded users. It could be a specific field or topic.

  • Connection is most important. Social media’s beauty comes from its sheer power to connect people. Semantic barriers, background, or geographic aspects are immaterial.
  • Niche platforms enhance the connection by connecting users with folks who are equally interested in or are enthusiastic about the concerned subject.
  • It creates a closely-knit circle of users, who can amplify engagement rates and conversation rates.
  • You can then recommend the same to like-minded colleagues or pals. Marketers can leverage this trend by connecting with a high-attentive, targeted, and niche audience.
  • Conversion is another major aspect. Social networks brimming with users tend to channelize loads of data, resulting in noise in marketers’ parlance.
  • You have so many LinkedIn and Facebook groups that cater to this threshold.

A targeted and more focused audience has a higher potential to convert engagement into revenue.

Closed communities and their rise

In the current era, social media users look for a sense of attachment or belonging. They look for a platform where they can learn, collaborate, express, and evolve. People are constantly trying to connect with a specific fold of social community. Resultantly, closed and niche groups are coming up and public feeds are losing steam.

  • Brands need to note that there has been a slump in the adoption of leading social media platforms in the US. Studies show that over half of Facebook users in the 18-35 segment have changed their privacy settings in the last one year, while 44% have gone on a hiatus, and 25% have deleted either Facebook or Instagram from their mobile device.
  • It just shows why users are transitioning from broad, open platforms to closed networks. They want to engage with like-minded and specific audiences. From graphic designers and chefs to fitness freaks and winemakers, there’s a niche group for each user.

Group-chat applications have also grown in number. Instead of using traditional apps, many users are opting for group-chat apps for discussing shared interests with minimal interruptions and deviations. Numerous communities are mushrooming all over the internet to build clusters within users, who want to network in the same industry.

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Finding the most lucrative platform

The first step is to know your target audience and build a marketing image/personas in compliance with your target customers. The first phase of any marketing strategy is to define your audience profile. It includes their gender, age, education, interests, location, income, fears, values, and challenges and so on.

  • Empathizing and engaging with your audience help you convert them into your loyal customers and followers. You also have sites Blastup that provide organic followers and likes.
  • You need to identify the areas where your followers frequent. There are three ways to find their hang out destinations online.
  •  You can use tools like Buzzsumo to search the most shared content on Instagram or Facebook. It helps create a solid marketing strategy.

Experts nullify the notion that the audience is same as action. For brands building their social media image or presence, you need to cultivate an audience that develops a robust online community to bolster your brand.

It’s also important to locate some overlapping networks between your social media demographics and target audience. Many brands are doing a prompt competition check to affirm their audience’s mood. It’s a pivotal step before you align your followers with your business goals.

The prominent niche networks

The majority of industry-centric social networks provide resources that concern your industry. Brands are including Q&A sessions, blogs, and other forums and job portals/boards. You’ll find that niche social sites are great to find employment or other firms that need your expertise.

  • A popular name, Active Rain is unarguably the largest social media domain for real estate honchos. It has over 305, 500 members.
  • This thriving online community comprises real estate agents, inspectors, brokers, lenders, home stagers, and other industry people seeking to connect with each other and expand their forte and business.

It offers all types of real estate resources along with a wide range of educational content that’s relevant to the industry.

  • Behance’s is Adobe’s own social network. They have designed it for creative professionals for connecting, advertising and showcasing their talent. The site first asks for your photography, illustration, graphic design, or other stuff.
  • If you’re a start-up, Gust Launch is ideal for you. You can be an investor or founder to open two different types of accounts. They design the platform for helping entrepreneurs and budding corporates build their brand by providing them with a pool of like-minded people.

The most promising niche sites

When it comes to top vertical social media sites for female content creators and developers, BlogHer is the best name.

  • From the initial stage of the conference, BlogHer has evolved as a powerhouse for digital marketers, women bloggers, and other aspiring female business persons. The community also provides advertising opportunities and technical support.
  • Dribble, with a triple B is another prominent player for illustrating your digital talent in an online portfolio.
  • It’s necessary to promote yourself to stay afloat in the competitive landscape of digital creations.
  • Meetup is a robust vertical social network. It allows users to meet up in person and digitally. Young professionals and students living in a new city can use this niche network to make long-term friends with the same interests and goals. You can use it for collaborating, networking, traveling together, and anything you can possibly think of.

If you’re an interior designer or architect, Houzz is the ideal social media platform for you. Professionals can browse a plethora of designs by fellow users. You can connect with amateurs and experts alike. They also provide support to anyone in the community.

Author’s Bio:

Walter Moore is a writer and notable management and digital marketing expert at Blastup. He is an experienced digital marketer who has helped e-commerce businesses in all niches gain with his effective marketing strategies and guidance. niche social media platforms

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